Welcome To the American Legion

Welcome to American Legion Post 800. We are a progressive post, actively involved in the Southampton, Bryn Athyn and Huntingdon Valley communities. We are committed to Veterans from ALL conflicts and their family. Since we have been around for nearly 75 years we have collected a large amount of resources.
We are a small post with around 80 members and of course we are always seeking new members. If you are a Veteran who wants to hang out or chat with your brothers and sisters who were there or even just interested please contact us, ask a question, or better yet, join us at one of our meetings. All Veterans are welcome regardless of when you served.
We meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 except July and August. Our meetings are held in the Community Room of the Huntingdon Valley Library 646 Redlion Road, Huntingdon Valley PA. 19006
Contact Commander Marc at ussgrouper@verizon.net 267-577-0823
We are still serving our country